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Water Quality Monitoring

Utilizing multiple funding sources, we deliver water quality monitoring programs, collecting total nitrogen and total phosphorus.

Water sampling programs for quality monitoring and phosphorus reduction in Vermont's agricultural settings and Lake Memphremagog.
Tile Drain Study

Funding Source: Sub Contract with the Franklin County Conservation District with funding from the VT Agency of Agriculture.

The goal of this sampling program was inform Vermont regulations and recommendations for best management practices related to tile drainage in agricultural fields. Sampling started summer of 2018 and is happening all around the state. Tile drains are installed under agricultural fields to drain off excess water in wet conditions to help crops grow more efficiently. Drains may be a single pipe or a system of pipes with water flowing out through one outlet below the field. The goal of the study was to be able to create better policy and legislation to manage tile drains in the state. Orleans County NRCD staff samples Total Nitrogen and Total Phosphorus at two farms at four sites total, every two weeks and two rain events annually up until 2021.

Memphremagog Tributary Monitoring

Funding Source: NRCC Basin Planning

Sarah taking a water sample from a Memphremagog mainstem tributary
District Manager, Sarah Damsell, taking water samples from a  head water stream.

This sampling program is done to monitor the phosphorus loading from the four main drainages to lake Memphremagog. This monitoring program has been ongoing since 2005 and is used to evaluate changes in phosphorus loading in relation to reduction targets in the Lake Memphremagog TMDL OCNRCD staff take 13 high flow event samples annually. A high flow is when Black River stream gauge is above 500cfs. Regular monthly sampling at all the same four sites is done by the VTDEC Basin Planner.

Agricultural BMP Monitoring 

Funding Source: VAAFM Clean Water Program and LaRosa Organizational Grant 

Orleans County NRCD Staff sample eight dates from April to October with at least two rain events. The goal of this sampling program is to evaluate pre and post BMP water sampling results to document the phosphorus and nitrogen nutrient pollution sources and assessing the effectiveness of water quality remediation practices on agricultural landbases. Seven of the nine farms we are evaluating are RCPP program cooperators. 

Water Quality Reports & Resources