Lake Watershed Action Plans
Over the last three years, we have led FOUR Lake Watershed Action Plans (LWAPs).
With the completion of the Echo-Seymour LWAP in December of 2024, we've been able to work with multiple lake associations and other community members to provide them with a concrete action plan for initiating and implementing restoration projects in their lake watersheds. Thank you to the following lake communities who have supported the effort to develop these plans:
- Caspian Lake
- Shadow Lake
- Lake Willoughby
- Echo & Seymour Lakes
What is a Lake Watershed Action Plan? An LWAP is an assessment and planning tool that identifies the greatest stressors to water quality, wildlife habitat, and the overall health of the lake ecosystem. The process evaluates the shoreland, tributaries, drainage ditches, wetlands, hydrologically connected roads, and working landscapes to create a priority list of problem areas and projects. The result is an actionable planning guide that prioritizes restoration and protection actions for the watershed.
The Orleans County NRCD received VTDEC funding to produce these LWAPs. We work with our partners at the Memphremagog Watershed Association and NorthWoods Stewardship Center, along with the towns and lake associations in the watersheds to do the public outreach, assessments, project identification and presentations.

Lake Watershed Action Plans - Data, Reports & Other Documentation
Lake Watershed Action Plans Data Libraries are digital libraries with sources of relevant information such as shoreland parcels, lidar topography, land use mapping, water quality data, relevant GIS layers, and town infrastructure information.
Click on the side boxes to find the reports and documentations for the LWAPs we've completed.