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Jason Tankersley

Position: Agriculture Resources Program Specialist 
Jason in a farmers field

Joining the District in the fall of 2024, Jason's primary role is to assist agricultural producer clients with the development and maintenance of nutrient management plans and soil health practices including providing technical assistance for the VAAFM Pay for Performance program. He also responds to general technical assistance requests and providing program navigation services. Born in New Orleans and raised in East Tennessee, Jason spent his childhood immersed in the southern Appalachian Mountains and its culture. Jason has a degree in geography from the University of Tennessee. After graduating, he worked in watershed restoration and management with the Tennessee Valley Authority, until breaking off to explore a myriad of different interests including guiding in the Grand Canyon, building high-performance homes in the hills of Northern California, and mixing it up with travel in Europe and South America. After much adventure, Jason and his family have landed in the NEK and have been busy restoring an old farmhouse and starting a small biodiverse farm, the Nordic Roots Farm, in East Charleston. Inspired to learn more and lend a hand in the effort to preserve our beautiful area, he is excited to dive into his role with the Conservation District to both aid farmers and conserve our natural resources.